...get access to the best facilities

Office space

As a scale-up you will have your own office space in the BioBizzHub. This office wil have his own look and feel and is close to all the other services of the BioBizzHub. 

Lab and test facilities

Within the BioBizzHub we have the best lab and test facilities you can imagine. Within the lab there are posibilities to do microbiological and chemical analyses. This will give you for example the possibility to get insight in the characteristics of the waste water of a potential customer. There are colleagues working in the lab that can support you by performing (more complex) analyses. More basic analyses can be performed by yourself, if you have sufficient lab experience and take into account the safety procedures. 

Furthermore the BioBizz hub gives you the possibility to do research in our test facilities. These include for example tests in a fumehood or larger tests in the hall of the BioBizz hub. As a small company you will most probably not use these facilities full-time. So it is good to know that we are flexible and give you access to the lab and testing facilities when you need it. 


Close to the offices of the BioBizz hub is a workshop where you can build prototypes/ demo's of your product. You will have an own kit with all the tools you need to work on your prototype.  Of course you need sufficient experience in building these installations to be admitted in the workshop. There are also colleagues available to give you advice.

Furthermore we offer services as welding of steel and plastic. Those more complex proceedings will be executed by the staff of Paques. Just like the test facilities you will most probably not use these facilities full-time. So it is good to know that we are flexible and give you access to the workshop when you need it.